Borderwars 2021
October 15-17
Kansas City, MO

at the lovely Best Western Premier
at 4011 Blue Ridge Cut Off, Kansas City, Missouri 64133
Just across the road from Arrowhead Stadium, Home of the
2020 don't count
Friday - 3PM-Midnight
Saturday - 8AM-Midnight
Sunday - 10AM-4PM

Borderwars is the yearly convention of the Heart of America Miniature Gaming Society.
A three day event for all kinds of historical, fantasy and Sci-Fi Miniature gaming
as well as card and board games. All are welcome, and it doesn't cost anything to visit!
- Good Old Weird Harold's
Old Boardgames
- Terrain Station!
- George Knapp
- Buck-a-Fig
- WARLORD GAMES Yes, THE Warlord Games!
- Pirate Pat!
- and more to come!
Dealers get three 6 foot tables for $40 Contact HAHMGS to be a dealer.
Put on a game at BW21 and get one days admission comped. Two games, get the weekend!
if YOU want to put on a game, get the info in asap. We're not gonna pack everyone in like lemmings, and the hotel has less room in total for us than last time. So space is limited. And the hotel only has 6 foot tables, so if you MUST have 8 footers, you gotta give us advance notice.
The hotel restauarant is open after 5pm Friday & Saturday. And has a full bar.
There is a Taco Bell in the hotel parking lot. and two fancy gas stations (BP & Phillips 66) within a block, one of which has a Subway inside. There's also a Denny's a couple blocks north over the bridge across the highway.
If you drive, you can find any kind of food within about 5 miles. We heartily recommend Dixon's Chili Parlor and/or the Hi-Boy Drive-In, just north on Blue Ridge Cut-Off (the street the hotel is on).
Games at Borderwars 2021
Contact HAHMGS to put on a game at the show.
ACW, Napoleonic, WWII, WWI, 7YW, AWI, Steampunk, DBA & More!
All games and times subject to change. And how!
Games will Run Friday Evening, Saturday Morning, afternoon and Evening & Sunday.

Friday evening (sixish)
At the eastern reaches of Ozz is the land of the Winkies. Ruled by the Empress Evora the Yellow Witch, the Winkies are sworn foes of the Great Alliance of the West, the Wizard, and the Munchkins in particular. The armies of the Winkies often fight shoulder-to-shoulder with those of the Gillikins as part of the Witches’ Alliance.
The Winkies, being a brutish and simple people, favor the power of bloody melee over the more complicated maneuvers of musketry the Munchkinns favor. Now with thier Quadling and clockwork allies, the Munchkins fight to free Ozz from the Yellow Witch!
Horse and musket with magic and mad science!
Presented by Scott Hansen
Medina de Rio Seco
1808 15mm Napoleonics up to 8 players OHW rules
Ah, the peninsula. Wellington, 95th rifles, the thin red line, the original The Donalds' (Featherstone) favorite period. Well, we got none of those things. What we do have is the best and worst spanish generals teaming up to try to defeat the French. Blake and Cuesta vs Bessieres. Featuring Imperial Guard.
Presented by Bill Boyle
Leyte Gulf
Oct. '44 US Navy invades the Phillipines at Leyte and the Japanese Navy counters with their ships and air units at a strategic-level ! Units are groups of ships and groups of aircraft - including Aircraft Carriers, Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, Transports, and Submarines and Land-based and Carrier-based Aircraft and includes Kamikazes
Presented By Harold Morgan
The Battle of Byrams Ford
15mm ACW using Johnny Reb III rules.
The first day (Friday Nite) the Union is in defense, the second day (Saturday morning) the Rebs are in
Beautiful 3-D hand sculpted terrain. A must see!
Presented by Gary Mills
Saturday Morning
Doors open at 8am, Games from 9am on.
George Knapp's NEW game: The Buna/Gona campaign
Northern New Guinea, late
1942. Two to four players. 20 turns. Game decided on point system. 25mm figures.
Presented by, who else?
Protect Triar: GURPS RPG
Triar Villa is being attacked by a group of space aliens called the Lugar. Lugar are carnivores and
believe eating intelligent animals increases their IQ's.
The Battle of Byrums Ford
15mm ACW using Johnny Reb III rules.
The first day (Friday Eve) the Union is in defense, the second day (Saturday morning) the Rebs are in
Beautiful 3-D hand sculpted terrain. A must see!
Presented by Gary Mills
At the eastern reaches of Ozz is the land of the Winkies. Ruled by the Empress Evora the Yellow Witch, the Winkies are sworn foes of the Great Alliance of the West, the Wizard, and the Munchkins in particular. The armies of the Winkies often fight shoulder-to-shoulder with those of the Gillikins as part of the Witches’ Alliance.
The Winkies, being a brutish and simple people, favor the power of bloody melee over the more complicated maneuvers of musketry the Munchkinns favor. Now with thier Quadling and clockwork allies, the Munchkins fight to free Ozz from the Yellow Witch!
Horse and musket with magic and mad science!
Presented by Scott Hansen
Saturday Afternoon
1-2pm game starts
3 SS panzer div. plus a supporting Inf. div. attacking 7 Russian Corps plus scattered Inf. toward the train station - the more Russian Reserve units committed on table the less objectives the Germans have to capture to win in 15 turns ! Rules are Kiss Rommel (D12) - room for up to 10 players - each div./corp is about 10 stands (150 stands total)
George Knapp's NEW game: The Buna/Gona campaign
Northern New Guinea, late
1942. Two to four players. 20 turns. Game decided on point system. 25mm figures.
Presented by, who else?
Roarkes Drift. The classic battle of a small disciplined group agains a countless enemy. Can you triumph over British Imperialism? Can you defend, where are we? Some god-forsaken river ford? Oh, there's a hospital. Well, that'll come in handy.
Presented by Toby Giese
Logans Crossroads
25mm ACW 4 players 6x4 table One Hour Wargames rules
Nov 1861. The rebels have a bridgehead over the Cumberland river and your mission is to close up and drive them across the river to set up a decisive battle. But with the terrible mud and detachments attacking rebel foragers, today is a rest day.
Saturday Evening
6-7pm game starts
Mini Campaign War of the Roses
15mm As many as those who wish to fight for the red or white rose. OHW rules with WSS magazine add ons.
Presented by Bill Boyle
March, 1945. The Eastern Front. The last major German Counter attack before the Battle of Berlin. Panzer-Division Müncheberg, equipped with several of the superheavy Jagdtigers, as well as Tiger II ausf Bs, and the last five Tiger 1 ausf Es, must keep the Küstrin Corridor to the Küstrin Pocket open.
Wave after wave of T-34's, IS-IIIs and SU-152's are thrown against the Seelow Heights! Zhukov must break through to reach Berlin! FORWARD!
Presented by Brian Beal
The Battle for Earth! Gurps RPG
You must gather as many allies from the aliens of the galactic community and forge them into a force to repel and destroy a force of a million ships not counting space fighters. Good luck, you're going to need it!
- 1-Day Pass - $15.00
- Weekend Pass - $25.00
- HAHMGS Member's Kids under 16 - get in free!
- 1-Day Pass - $20.00
- Weekend Pass - $30.00
- HMGS Membership -$10 Get the HMGS rate at HMGS shows nationwide!
- Kids under 16 - $5/10 1-day/weekend