Borderwars 2019
May 17-19 , 2019
Kansas City, KS

Friday - 3PM-Midnight
Saturday - 8AM-Midnight
Sunday - 10AM-4PM

Special Guest, George Nafziger!

Master of the OOB!
Check out his online store and the Nafziger OOB Colection online.
If you've ever researched a battle that had gunpowder in it, you know who he is.
If not, he is one of the most prolific and popular authors on military history in the world today. Author and translator of over 200 different titles on military history ranging from the Middle Ages through the Korean War, with a heavy emphasis on the Wars of the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars and WWII.
George has also been a US Navy Captain, director of the Napoleonic Society of America and the Napoleonic Alliance, and he was even an HMGS-East board member, but we won't hold that against him.
Let George know what you books and subjects you're interested in at cuz he can't fit all of them in the van!
DBA 3.0 Tournament
Saturday morning, May 18th
3.0 Army lists, loaner armies available.
double elimination or round robin, depending on how many players.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd and skunked!
Plus an award for Best Looking Camp.
Tournament Director Karl Garsoe
The 1st annual Pioner Panzer Memorial
Bolt Action Tournament
Sponsored by HAHMGS
Saturday Morning, May 18th
Three timed rounds with hard start and stop times.
1250 point 28mm WWII
SIngle generic reinforced platoon only
No theme or campaign list.
Only Warlord army lists.
No special characters.
Have two copies of your list.
BIG Prizes!
1st Place $100.00 2nd place $50.00 3rd place $25.00
Plus all entrants get gen-u-wine bolt action merchandise!
Plus for all you Bolt Action fans,
meet STEVE SMITH! Lead Author for
Bolt Action Korea by Warlord Games.
To be released in August 2019. Jon Russell of the U.S. Warlord Demo Team originated the project, provided oversight and assisted in authoring the project. Mr smith is also working on articles for Wargames Illustrated Magazine and the Official Magazine for the U.S. Army Center of Military History. Steve has also started a major book project covering the last 50 years of history for the 45th Infantry Brigade of the Oklahoma Army National Guard.
Games at Borderwars 2019
Contact HAHMGS to put on a game at the show.
ACW, Napoleonic, WWII, WWI, 7YW, AWI, Steampunk, DBA & More!
All games and times subject to change. And how!

GURPS: they call it Ambrosia
Three linked games, play in one or all. Running All Day Saturday.
FREE book for all players!!!
First...You'll be fighting beside the youngest and brightest General the budding republic of Rome has ever had, You're a part of the most elite of the armies of Rome. Your group amounts to two hundred of the absolute best of the best anywhere in the world. All of you were hand picked to be Anthony Triarius's special army. You've been fighting as an army for the last year, since Anthony's commanding officer was killed by a lucky arrow and Anthony had no choice but to take charge. He not only took charge but brilliantly destroyed the larger force of four thousand men with only your two hundred.
After pacifying the area, he was recalled to Rome to be raised to the rank of General at twenty-four. While in Rome he noticed a beautiful young woman then asked her to marry him. When she said yes, they had a quick marriage then all of you were off to his villa in a valley in the mountains. As you arrived at his villa outriders spotted a force of around two-thousand barbarians approaching and would be at the villa within three days. Later it was determined they were the best the barbarians could muster to punish Anthony and anyone standing at his side. The Villa's not the most ideal location for a battle but leaving it undefended is out of the question.
Second...It's 2500 years later and the year is 2002. You're graduating from Boston university when the day of your finals the girl of your group gets a letter from an Italian lawyer telling her she's inherited 30,000,000 Euro's and 200 acres of land. The catch is she has to go to Italy to take possession. There are tickets for her and each of you in the envelope. It seems they want to keep your little group together for some reason.
And finally...It's now 2021 and Italy is now the only zero world power thanks to Cassandra who owns Triar Inc. Your once again facing certain death but this time it's a mysterious group called the Masters. However, the Gods and their Dirae are now willing to fight for humanity and Earth. If you lose every living thing on Earth will be destroyed, but they have a million ships and you have just over 60,000 counting fighters. Many other aliens are standing with Earth, some because they want to kill humans, others because they know what the masters are like and would rather fight in humanities backyard rather than theirs.
Presented by Ed Parachini. Author of Legacy of the Father & Payback's Hell
ACW Ironclads
Diversion or Invasion that question will be answered when a Confederate Fleet breaks loose and heads toward Washington as rumors swirl concerning the whereabouts and strength of Lee's forces believed to be in PA. Help find the answer by joining four to eight players in a clash of ACW Ironclads in 1/600 scale.
Presented by FLAGG (Ft Leavenworth Area Gaming Group) hosted by gamester Chris Southard.
Wilsons Creek
General Lyons has achieved tactical surprise and will attack the rebel camp at wilsons creek. Outnumbered, his goal is to cause more losses to the rebels than the Union forces take to blunt the rebels advance on Springfield. This will help the Union secure Missouri for the minions of Abe. Fritz Sigels Germans are sent on a flank march to be the anvil to Lyons hammer.
Presented by Bill Boyle
3 SS panzer div. plus a supporting Inf. div. attacking 7 Russian Corps plus scattered Inf. toward the train station - the more Russian Reserve units committed on table the less objectives the Germans have to capture to win in 15 turns ! Rules are Kiss Rommel (D12) - room for up to 10 players - each div./corp is about 10 stands (150 stands total)
Presented by Harold Morgan
Your lance of mechs were just shoved off the drop ship.
Gather up your team & survive!
Presented by Bob Roby
It's November 1943 and Operation Galvanic has been set into motion. The 2nd Marine Division has been given the task of taking the Tarawa Atoll from the defending Japanese forces. This mission has two main purposes: Take the Japanese airfield on Betio Island so that it can be used for future operations, and to test the validity of naval assault operations. This will be the first time that the United States assaults a dug in force that will oppose such a landing.
Three linked scenarios portray the entire invasion. 3-5 Allied players will test their mettle against the Japanese forces run by the judge.

Presented by Todd Carter
Saturday Morning
WW2 Italian campaign:
platoon level action Italian style. US forces clash with the Germans amidst the foothills and yes vineyards to determine who will control a vital road junction and supply point. Each of four to eight players will control their own platoon and try to lead their 15 mm figures to victory.
Presented by FLAGG and hosted by gamemaster John Gleason.
George Knapp's D-Day
30 days of the Normandy campaign. One quick game after another all day.
Presented by, who else?
Hellboy Boardgame,
Players: 3
Length: ~ 2 hours
Rules: Mantic Games co-op game, will be taught as we play
Hellboy: The Board Game is a co-operative experience in which players face off against some of the comic's most famous foes. Up to four people take control of iconic BPRD members, such as Hellboy, Abe Sapien, and Roger the Homunculus, then explore gothic locations and uncover ancient artifacts.
Presented by Jon Hook
GURPS (see above)
It's November 1943 and Operation Galvanic has been set into motion. The 2nd Marine Division has been given the task of taking the Tarawa Atoll from the defending Japanese forces. This mission has two main purposes: Take the Japanese airfield on Betio Island so that it can be used for future operations, and to test the validity of naval assault operations. This will be the first time that the United States assaults a dug in force that will oppose such a landing.
Three linked scenarios portray the entire invasion. 3-5 Allied players will test their mettle against the Japanese forces run by the judge.
Presented by Todd Carter
Axis & Allies 1940 Global with a NEW twist
It's that old chestnut in a new shell. Don't miss a chance to take on the 2015 Origin's A&A tournament WINNER!
Runs all day Saturday
Presented by: Bob Roby
Saturday Afternoon
WW2 Naval
Brits versus Germans: 1/1800 model ships. The British venture out into the cold northern waters to intercept the Tirpitz and the accompanying escort ships as the attempt to interrupt North Atlantic supply chain to the UK. Commands available for six players.
Presented by FLAGG, Steve Sallot gamemaster and host.
Battle of lundys lane. war of 1812
This battle is a bright spot in army history , as most of this war showed the US Army in a poor light. Winfield Scotts' reputation and career was cemented at this battle.
Presented by Bill Boyle
George Knapp's D-Day Continues...
30 days of the Normandy campaign. One quick game after another all day.
Presented by guess who?
Hellboy Boardgame,
Players: 3
Length: ~ 2 hours
Rules: Mantic Games co-op game, will be taught as we play
Hellboy: The Board Game is a co-operative experience in which players face off against some of the comic's most famous foes. Up to four people take control of iconic BPRD members, such as Hellboy, Abe Sapien, and Roger the Homunculus, then explore gothic locations and uncover ancient artifacts.
Presented by Jon Hook
3 SS panzer div. plus a supporting Inf. div. attacking 7 Russian Corps plus scattered Inf. toward the train station - the more Russian Reserve units committed on table the less objectives the Germans have to capture to win in 15 turns ! Rules are Kiss Rommel (D12) - room for up to 10 players - each div./corp is about 10 stands (150 stands total)
Presented by Harold Morgan
GURPS (see above)
It's November 1943 and Operation Galvanic has been set into motion. The 2nd Marine Division has been given the task of taking the Tarawa Atoll from the defending Japanese forces. This mission has two main purposes: Take the Japanese airfield on Betio Island so that it can be used for future operations, and to test the validity of naval assault operations. This will be the first time that the United States assaults a dug in force that will oppose such a landing.
Three linked scenarios portray the entire invasion. 3-5 Allied players will test their mettle against the Japanese forces run by the judge.
Presented by Todd Carter
Axis & Allies 1940 Global with a NEW twist-Contiues...
Saturday Evening
Fleet Action in Deep Space:
A hex based system on custom battle mat with unit counters. Game is under development by Phil Devries who has been playtesting it with fellow FLAGG members since last fall. The game features several human as well as alien factions at odds with each other or occasionally ally as they attempt to colonize new world and expand their holdings.
Presented by FLAGG
Battle of the Bulge KISS Rommel
Its the Bulge, using Divisional level rules. Tanks, blitzkrieg, USA, and no hard thinking required.
Presented by Bill Boyle
GURPS (see above)
Plan Brown - Mr. Roosevelt's War
1930s Naval, Siekrieg V rules
October, 1938. Japan has seized remote islands and uninhabited atolls in the Spratly's and Philippine Sea - some in Philippine (ie, US) territorial waters. They are fortifying them to "defend" (or is that block?) International trade routes.
After months of fruitless diplomatic talks, Mr. Roosevelt takes a page from the family playbook and sends "The Big Five" on a "Big Stick" patrol thru the area.Will this show of force cow the Yellow Terror, or is it just sending ships Into Harm's Way?
Presented by Roger Kruse.
Cards Against Humanity
You know it, you love it. You can try to be clever, but filth always wins.
Presented by Brian Beal.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday
Your lance of mechs were just shoved off the drop ship.
Gather up your team & survive!
Presented by: Bob Roby
Day & time TBA
OGRE Miniatures
Battles of Westeros
Check back later for dates and times...
- George Nafziger
- Good Old Weird Harold's
Old Boardgames
- IALLM Books
- George Knapp
- Buck-a-Fig
- Ft. Leavenworth Area Gaming Group
- Steve Smith's Supplies
- OK-Cal
- Pirate Pats
- and more to come!
Contact HAHMGS to be a vendor at the show.
Dealer tables (6 footers) are $20 each, for the 1st two, $10 after that, max of 3 unless specifically cleared.
- 1-Day Pass - $15.00
- Weekend Pass - $25.00
- HAHMGS Member's Kids under 18 - get in free!
- 1-Day Pass - $20.00
- Weekend Pass - $30.00
- HMGS Membership -$10
- Kids under 13 - $5/10 1-day/weekend