Borderwars 2018
May 18-20 , 2018
Kansas City, KS

Friday - 3PM-Midnight
Saturday - 8AM-Midnight
Sunday - 10AM-4PM
Convention theme:
The GREAT War of 1918
It was a good war, then WE showed up and made it GREAT!

Nuclear War the Card Game Tournament
2pm Saturday May 19th
A comical cataclysmic card game for 2-6 players of all ages. A humorous confrontation between touchy world powers as each player attempts to sway his opponents' populations with diplomacy, propaganda, and finally nuclear weaponry. Little old ladies defect in electric cars and the dread SUPERGERM spreads devastation! Takes about 10 minutes to learn and about 30 minutes to play. Invented by Doug Malewicki in 1965 and published by Flying Buffalo, this game has remained popular for over 50 years.
3-4 rounds, depending on how many players.
Bring a copy of the game (Not the expansions) and you get to go first!
Standard Nuclear War deck. (maybe a few surprises)
Everyone who enters gets a Nuclear War expansion card!
Everyone who wins a game, gets a prize!
Everyone who blows up the world (TRIPLE THE YIELD!!!), gets a prize!
Tournament winner gets a BIG prize!
SPECIAL GUEST JUDGE: the 2016 Gen-Con Nuclear War TCG tournament winner.
Games at Borderwars 2018
Contact HAHMGS to put on a game at the show.
ACW, Napoleonic, WWII, WWI, 7YW, AWI, Steampunk, DBA & More!
All games and times subject to change. And how!

Doors open at 3pm Friday
6-7PM Friday
(Some games may start earlier )
Battle of Westport
ACW 25mm. Will the sun of Austerlitz shine on a confederate victory or will Pap Price go down to defeat?
15mm Seven Years War. The old Dessau attacks Saxony .
Davout's Finest Hour
6mm Napoleonics featuring the French defense of their southern flank as the battle of Austerlitz unfolds and eventually ends. Will use the FLAGG 1805 System rules.
Presented by FLAGG (Ft Leavenworth Area Gaming Group)
Prairie Grove
25mm ACW. The battle that broke the back of the south in the Trans Mississippi Theatre.
Kansas City Nights: A Tribute to Ricky Bobby
In honor of the greatest, fictional racing driver in the history of greatest fictional racing drivers, you are going to build a custom stock car, test and tune it for a few laps and then race it over 3 highly competitive laps at Kansas Speedway. Along the way, you will be asked trivia questions about “Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby”. Correct answers will reward you with performance boosts for your car. Incorrect answers allow your opponents to steal those benefits! If you regularly tell yourself “I wanna go fast”, this is the game for you. Winner receives an official “Kansas City Nights” trophy, because “If you ain’t first, you’re last!” (Quote trademarked by Ricky Bobby, Inc. , 2006) 1-8 players.
Civil War Ironclads - Mobile Bay
Simple rules, home-made ships and forts, room for 6-8 players with 30 ships total
9-10am Saturday
Not your Grandvatter's Waterloo!
PERIOD: Knappoleonics
SCALE: 25mm operational
LENGTH: 3-4 hours
RULES: Knappoleonics
Presented by George Knapp
Napoleonic War in 25mm. One of George's best. New and Improved! No experience necessary. Games take about two hours to play. Games will be run one after the other all day.
I defy Rome!
6mm Ancients featuring Romans versus Carthaginians during the 2nd Punic War in a large battle as the two great powers struggle for supremacyin Spain. The game will use the FLAGG Ancients System rules.
Presented by FLAGG (Ft Leavenworth Area Gaming Group)
1st Battle of the Marne
August 1914. One more lunge and Paris falls and the war will be over with a German victory.
Battle of Vauchamps: 1814
15mm Napoleonic/ 4-8 Players
It's the 6th day of what will be called, the Six Days Campaign! Prussian and Russian forces are about to fall upon the isolated VI Corps of Marshal Auguste de Marmont. Can even Napoleon himself save this section of the Grand Armee from an inglorius end at the hands of that rascal Blucher?
Presented by Robert Koffman on a 6x12' table
The Great Escape
The German high command fear their army will be cut off by Allied forces. Thier orders are to fall back and regroup on the other side of the river. The Allies plan is to cut them off and destroy them!
Games will be run one after the other all day long. Join in at any time. BIG 6x12 table
Rules: Modified Battleground.
1pm Saturday
Championship Wrasslin!
In the days before they killed Santa Claus... before people did triple back flips off the top rope onto a burning table covered in razor wire while holding a rabid mongoose, there was wrestling. Real (sort of), entertaining wrestling that made you want to believe. Go back in time and experience what it might have been like if it was real. Compete, gain enough popularity/notoriety and you might qualify to compete for a title. Winner gets an official championship trophy. No unsupervised children please. 1-6 players. 1/11th scale
Case Black, 1920 - Defense of the Monroe Doctrine
After using submarine warfare to force England to seek a separate peace prior to US involvement, WWI ends on terms favorable to Germany. With her fleet intact, Germany moves to expand its influence in the New World by seizing French coaling stations and anchorages in the Caribbean. Can the untried US dreadnoughts defend the Monroe Doctrine? WW I Naval
Siekrieg V
French Revolution. Moreau leads The Army of the Rhine against the white mice in 1800. The battle that destroyed the Second Coalition.
Plugging The Gap
Modern Micro Armor set in the mid to late 80s near the Fulda Gap with a battalion level clash on a one to one vehicle scale. The game is reaching final development by two FLAGG members who will be presenting the game for its first public appearance.
Presented by FLAGG (Ft Leavenworth Area Gaming Group)
Kursk - South Pincer
SCALE: N Scale
LENGTH: 1-3 hours
RULES: Kiss Rommel "D12 Variant"
Nazi's advance toward Kursk. The Soviet army is ready. A quick moving fast playing operational game.
Presented by Harold Morgan
The Great Escape-Continues
Not your Grandvatter's Waterloo! -continues
6-7pm Saturday
Battle of Britain
The 74th Royal Squadron with "Sailor" Malan go to battle with Adolf Galland's JG26 over the skies of the English Channel. Warlord Games new air to air combat rules Blood Red Skies introduce inovative systems to squadron level combat and energy management.
Belleau Wood
The marines 'just got here' and will take Belleau Wood from the Germans with some unnoticed help from the US Army.
Plan Crimson, 1920 - Manifest Destiny
After generously spending her grain reserves feeding 9 million Belgian and French citizens for more than 4 years, poor harvests, an early Dust Bowl and the flu has America suffering severe food shortages. With no foreign aid in sight, the US lays claim to the Grand Banks fisheries. Will Britain come to the relief of a Commonwealth country? WW I Naval
Siekrieg V
March, 1945. The Eastern Front. The last major German Counter attack before the Battle of Berlin. Panzer-Division Müncheberg, equipped with several of the superheavy Jagdtigers, as well as Tiger II ausf Bs, and the last five Tiger 1 ausf Es, must keep the Küstrin Corridor to the Küstrin Pocket open.
Wave after wave of T-34's, IS-IIIs and SU-152's are thrown against the Seelow Heights! Zhukov must break through to reach Berlin! FORWARD!
KISS Duke Rules. Quick to learn, operational N-scale miniatures.
Russian Revolution. Will the white forces take Petrograd or will Trotsky and the red guard hold ????
10am Sunday
March, 1945. The Eastern Front. The last major German Counter attack before the Battle of Berlin. Panzer-Division Müncheberg, equipped with several of the superheavy Jagdtigers, as well as Tiger II ausf Bs, and the last five Tiger 1 ausf Es, must keep the Küstrin Corridor to the Küstrin Pocket open.
Wave after wave of T-34's, IS-IIIs and SU-152's are thrown against the Seelow Heights! Zhukov must break through to reach Berlin! FORWARD!
KISS Duke Rules. Quick to learn, operational N-scale miniatures.
The red planet. Once an unkown crimson dot in the sky, now the frontier
of victorian expansion and adventure. Join us in our mission to
civilize the savage Barsoomians and make Mars a fit place for white men
and women. It won't be easy. Some of these simple savages are green, 8
feet tall, with 4 arms and two heads! There are even renegade whites,
like that traitor John Carter, who fight with them. But untold riches
and new discoveries await the intrepid. Leave behind your humdrum life
and take ship for the Martian Frontier!

Duke’s special wargame and figures were commissioned by the Edgar Rice
Burroughs estate for his Warlord of Mars games. There are no others like
it anywhere in the world. Don't miss the custom Barsoomian terrain.
Hey! The guys from RPGKC will have a bunch of them Euro-Games to play at the show. Check em out and get the details about the Mid-West Gamefest coming up in November!
And we'll have a passel of other boardgames for people to play, including:
- Gangland; the card game
- Nuclear War: the card game
- Naval War: the card game
- House Divided: GDW boardgame
- All kindsa DORK games
- Junta
- Hacker

Doors open at 4pm Friday!
- Good Old Weird Harold's
Old Boardgames
- IALLM Books
- George Knapp
- Buck-a-Fig
- and more to come!
Contact HAHMGS to be a vendor at the show.
- 1-Day Pass - $15.00
- Weekend Pass - $25.00
- HMGS Membership -$10
- 1-Day Pass - $10.00
- Weekend Pass - $20.00
Send check or money order payable
to HAHMGS to:
PO Box 216
White City, KS 66872