Borderwars 2012
May 4-6 , 2012
Kansas City, KS
Best Western Inn & Conference Center
Friday - 3PM-Midnight
Saturday - 8AM-Midnight
Sunday - 10AM-4PM
Convention theme: War in years that end in '2'
HAHMGS is pleased to welcome our special guests to BW2012
Duke Seifried (center)

The P.T. Barnum of miniature wargames, Funder of Custom Cast & Der Kriegspielers, inventer of the 6 sided die!
Duke will be presenting his 1812 Battle of Borodino.
BORODINO 1812 using Frank's "Volley & Bayonet Rules with Frank & Duke as dual gamemasters on Saturday starting at 9:00 AM. There will be a lunch break at Noon and continue on at 1:00 PM until 4 - 5:00 PM.
In glorious 15mm on a 5' x 24' table! A must see!
Frank Chadwick

Mr. GDW, author of Command Decision, Traveller, the Europa series, and Snappy Dresser!
Frank will be running his new rules, MARS NEEDS STEAM!
MARS NEEDS STEAM! is the rallying cry of the Interplanetary Imperialists, determined to pick up the Earthman's Burden and bring civilization to Mars, whether it's wanted to not. Play either one of the squabbling European colonial power, grasping for the riches of Mars, or a sinister anarchist or native, thwarting their every move. Set in the world of Space: 1889, this features the upcoming miniatures rules from Test of battle Games.
Hosted by Frank Chadwick on Friday evening.
Sponsored by Test of Battle Games
War in years that end in 2!
It's 200 years since the war of 1812 and Napoleon's invasion of Russia.
It's 150 years since the Battle of Pea Ridge.
But why limit ourselves?
As long as it happened in a multiple of ten years from the present day, than it's worth celebrating! So anyone who puts on a battle that occured in a year that ends with the number two gets $5 discount on admission.
Games at Borderwars 2012
All games and times subject to change. And how!
Doors open at 3pm Friday!
5PM Friday
The BIG worldwide version. The one they stole from the late Mike Duffield.
Presented by Bob Roby
6-7pm Friday
The Battle of Lutzen: The most decisive drawn battle in history
Germany, 1632. The Protestant army, led by Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, had advanced into southern Germany with 20,000 men. In September 1632, Wallenstein invaded Saxony with 30,000 men, threatening Gustavus's lines of communication. Gustavus was forced to respond, marching north before entrenching to wait for reinforcements. At this point, Wallenstein splitt off a third of his army. Hearing this, Gustavus rushed to attack.
Presented by Bill Boyle
MARS NEEDS STEAM! the rallying cry of the Interplanetary Imperialists, determined to pick up the Earthman's Burden and bring civilization to Mars, whether it's wanted to not. Play either one of the squabbling European colonial power, grasping for the riches of Mars, or a sinister anarchist or native, thwarting their every move. Set in the world of Space: 1889, this features the upcoming miniatures rules from Test of battle Games.
Presented by Frank Chadwick
All day Saturday events
These events will be running all day on saturday with one game after another.
Easy ECW!
The latest from Rothery award winner George Knapp. Using his efortless to learn, a lifetime to master rules system! A can't miss game!
Presented by George Knapp
The BIG worldwide version. The one they stole from the late Mike Duffield.
Presented by Bob Roby
9AM Saturday
(see above)
noon-1pm Saturday

March, 1945. The Eastern Front. The last major German Counter attack before the Battle of Berlin. Panzer-Division Müncheberg, equipped with several of the superheavy Jagdtigers, as well as Tiger II ausf Bs, and the last five Tiger 1 ausf Es, must keep the Küstrin Corridor to the Küstrin Pocket open.
Wave after wave of T-34's, IS-IIIs and SU-152's are thrown against the Seelow Heights! Zhukov must break through to reach Berlin! FORWARD!
Presented by Brian Beal
Continues...(see above) More players can join in, and some players may reach their limit and retire, wimps.
3PM Saturday
Leyte Gulf
Carrier air-strikes, Battleships-battling, Kamikazies, Submarines, day & night actions in the Phillipines using Lou Coatney's The greatest naval battle of ALL TIME!! rules.
Presented by Harold Morgan
John Carter: WARLORD OF MARS !

28mm Gaslight 1889
Enjoy the Barsoomian world! Play as John Carter or Mars, or Tars Tarkas, or any of a number of characters straight from the pages of Edgar Rice Burrroughs classic Sci-Fi Series.
In the Valley of Dor where Barsoomians who have given up living hope to find everlasting salvation. The pilgrims follow the Yellow Brick Road to glory. Once you cross the bridge of eternity there is supposed to be no turning back on your quest for the Barsoomian heaven.
You may encounter Plant Men, wild Calots, White Apes, maybe even a Banth. Hopefully they move on quickly and enter the province of the Holy Therns. There at the Great Temple of Issus the Holy Therns rule this hidden valley. Just hope you can rescue Deja Thoris before the Black Pirates attack!
Presented by Scott Hansen.
Saturday Evening
Anglo-Zanzibar War
The Anglo-Zanzibar War was fought between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar on 27 August 1896. The conflict lasted 38 minutes. This will be one of the few miniatures games that last longer than the actual war.
Presented by Rick Nance
- Old Weird Harold's
Old Boardgames
- IALLM Books
- George Knapp
- Buck-a-Fig
- John Gleason and Wargames Factory Figures!
- and more to come!
DIRECTIONS TO Borderwars 2012
the Best Western Inn & Conference Center in Kansas City,
Kansas, Located at the corner of Rainbow Boulevard and Southwest Boulevard.If you come in on I-70, take I-35 South. Once on I-35 South, follow
these directions:
Go south at Exit 234-Rainbow Boulevard/US-169 and continue south
until you come to the stop light at Southwest Boulevard. Proceed south about
a block to Applebee's on your right (west side of street). Turn into Applebee's
parking lot. The convention center is on the other side of Applebee's.
Call ahead for reservations: 1.800.368.1741.
Click here
to book online
- 1-Day Pass - $15.00
- Weekend Pass - $25.00
- 1-Day Pass - $10.00
- Weekend Pass - $20.00
Send check or money order payable
to HAHMGS to:
PO Box 216
White City, KS 66872