Borderwars 2011
May 13-15 , 2011
Kansas City, KS
Best Western Inn & Conference Center
Friday - 3PM-Midnight
Saturday - 8AM-Midnight
Sunday - 10AM-4PM

Turning Point Stalingrad
Period: WWII
Players: 4-6
Length: 4-6 hours
Presented by Grady West & the Northwest Arkansas HOGS
In September of 1942, General Friedrich Paulus unleashed the elite German 6th army against the Russian defenders of Stalingrad. Paulus hoped to take the city in a week, but the dogged Russian defense turned Stalingrad into a 4 month long meat grinder of a battle that is unparalleled in our time.
Turning Point Stalingrad is a miniatures version of the old
Avalon Hill boardgame. The terrain board is 14ft. long x 6ft. wide, with around
400 buildings representing the city and outlying areas next to the Volga
river. But don't let the size intimidate. The game is an area movement system,
so no measuring tapes are necessary. Turns are divided into semi-simultaneous
"impulses" with only a few units moving at a time. Advantages during day and night turns, that each side had
historically, are reflected in this visually stunning, tactically challenging,
yet easy playing game.Though the campaign can be played through late November, just
the first week of the battle is played for convention purposes. Victory points
are awarded to the Germans for taking Mamayev Kurgan and/or areas along the
Volga river. After the first week, if the Germans have taken enough areas
for the required amount of victory points, they win. If not, they lose.
Designed for 6 players, this visually stunning, tactically challenging, yet easy playing game, is brought to you
by the Northwest Arkansas HOGS, (Historically Oriented Gaming Society).
Stalingrad will run Friday evening and Saturday Afternoon
Sixteen Miniatures on a Lead Man's Chest

Trim the cut of your jib and swab your poop-deck matey, pirate booty is up for grabs and you'll need both hands to hold on to it. Set sail in this colossal pirate game to become the scalawag that finishes with the most Swag. Somewhere about this 20+ foot table are buried treasures, Lost Mayan Ruins and wealthy merchants to prey upon.
Players are encouraged to dress the part for bonus treasure points. Privateers may bring their own ship but please contact me prior to the convention for a log sheet.
Prizes will be awarded based on most loot pilfered, blood thirsty acts and worst pirate career. (little buccaneers require a quarter masters' supervision) AND BEST DRESSED PIRATE!!
Presented by Scott Christian
players: 12 Captains
Time: Saturday Afternoon, 4 to 6 hours or until the rum rations run out.
Rules: A Fist Full of Seamen
Scale: (an impractical) 25/28mm
DBA Tournament!
1st Prize will be a painted 15mm Medieval Welsh DBA Army!
Tournament Director Shane Willerton will have several armies for Players who don't have a 15mm DBA army ready to go.
Demos at Borderwars 2011
DVG "Dan
Verssen Games"
Come learn, play and buy!
Jesse Cheng will be presenting various DVG
games During the convention.
Such as
- Modern Naval Battles: Global WarfareFly the Unfriendly Skies: Down in Flames - Aces High
- Defense of a Friend: Modern Naval Battles-Global Warfare
Dan Verssen Games are exciting & fast with card play back and forth between
players. For more information go to
Prizes will be awarded toward discounts on Dan Verssen Games.
In WARMACHINE, the very earth shakes during fierce confrontations of Armageddon-like proportions. Six-ton constructs of tempered iron and steel slam into one another with the destructive force of a locomotive. Lead-spewing cannons chew through armor plating as easily as flesh. And a tempest of arcane magics sets the battlefield ablaze with such that the gods themselves fear to tread the tormented ground. Victory shall favor the bold! So bring it on—if you’ve got the metal.

WARMACHINE is a fast-paced and aggressive 30mm tabletop miniatures battle game set in the steam-powered fantasy world of the Iron Kingdoms. Players take on the role of elite soldier-sorcerers known as warcasters. Though warcasters are formidable combatants on their own, their true strength lies in their magical ability to control and coordinate mighty warjacks—massive steam-powered combat automatons that are the pinnacle of military might in the Iron Kingdoms. Players collect, assemble, and paint fantastically detailed models representing the varied warriors, machines, and creatures in their armies. This is steam-powered miniatures combat, and your tabletop will never be the same!
Friday Evening
WW2 Naval
Rules: Lou Coatney's The greatest naval battle of ALL TIME!
Presented by Harold Morgan
KISS Kursk
N-scale WWII
Rules: Kiss Rommel
1st & 2nd SS Panzer are bearing down on Povkorovka! 1st Guards Tank Army will Destroy the Fascist Beasts! U-RAH!
Turning Point Stalingrad
Period: WWII
Players: 4-8
Length: 4-6 hours
Presented by Grady West & the Northwest Arkansas HOGS
Turning Point Stalingrad is a miniatures version of the old Avalon Hill boardgame. The terrain board is 14ft. long x 6ft. wide, with around 400 buildings representing the city and outlying areas next to the Volga river. But don't let the size intimidate. The game is an area movement system, so no measuring tapes are necessary. Turns are divided into semi-simultaneous "impulses" with only a few units moving at a time.
WW2 Board Game
Presented by Bob Roby
Saturday Morning

28mm Gaslight 1889
The apes are marching on the Forbidden Zone. The telepaths attempt to repel the apes by using their mental abilities to project illusions of fire and control the primative humans.
Presented by Scott Hansen.
Battle of the Twin Cities
WWII 15mm Quickfire (modified Rapidfire)
The USA is trying to hold off a nasty charge of Panther tanks and German troops who are trying to seize the town by controlling a certain percentage of it.
Freakin' New Guy!
Vietnam Skirmish
Presented by Shelby West
The NVA an VC have been building up their forces for a big push into south vietnam. There are several villages
along the DMZ that are in danger of being wiped out once the communist forces decide to make their move. It's
up to you Marines to evacuate these villages and get these civilians to safety. You will be taking two squads
from your platoon to evac the village closest to your forward operating base. Can you get them out before they
are overrun? This game will accomodate four players. FNG is the rule set being used for this game.
FNG covers combat from 1967 to 1968 during the Vietnam War. In FNG you command a squad during it's tour of
duty. Want to play something bigger? FNG can handle it. Once you've learned the simple but elegant mechanics
of FNG you'll soon be running a company!
WW2 Board Game
Presented by Bob Roby
Saturday Afternoon
Sixteen Miniatures on a Dead Man's Chest
Players: 6-12+
Length: 4-6 hours
Presented by Scott Christian
Trim the cut of your jib and swab your poop-deck matey, pirate booty is up for grabs and you‰*ªll need both
hands to hold on to it.
Players are encouraged to dress the part for bonus treasure points. Privateers may bring their own ship but please contact me prior to the convention for a log sheet.
Battle of Sheriffmuir: 1715
15mm Jacobite Rebellion
Rules: Rouges, will you live forever!
Presented by Bill Boyle.
An engagement in 1715 at the height of the Jacobite rebellion in England and Scotland.
The battle ended so inconclusively that it was unclear which side had won. One side claimed "the red-coat lads wi' black cockades" routed the rebels, painting a fearful picture of how they managed to "hough the Clans like nine-pin kyles". The other side claimed the Jacobites "did pursue / The horsemen back to Forth, man" with the eventual result that "...mony a huntit, poor Red-coat / For fear amaist did swarf, man."
Leyte Gulf - 1944
WW2 Naval
Rules: Lou Coatney's The greatest naval battle of ALL TIME!
Presented by Harold Morgan
Modified for full tabletop size for up to 6-8 players commanding all the ships, subs, planes of both fleets in a struggle to control the Phillipines area. Units are "groups" of ships and planes and subs with a simple combat system to have sub attacks, ship combat in daylight and night actions, and airstrikes including kamikazes - victory on points for damage and sinking enemy units wins! Easy to learn and play this HUGE campaign in a couple hours time to a decision!
Turning Point Stalingrad
Period: WWII
Players: 4-8
Length: 4-6 hours
Presented by Grady West & the Northwest Arkansas HOGS
Turning Point Stalingrad is a miniatures version of the old Avalon Hill boardgame. The terrain board is 14ft. long x 6ft. wide, with around 400 buildings representing the city and outlying areas next to the Volga river. But don't let the size intimidate. The game is an area movement system, so no measuring tapes are necessary. Turns are divided into semi-simultaneous "impulses" with only a few units moving at a time.
Saturday Evening
Battle of the Twin Cities
WWII 15mm Quickfire (modified Rapidfire)
The USA is trying to hold off a nasty charge of Panther tanks and German troops who are trying to seize the town by controlling a certain percentage of it.
- Old Weird Harold's
Old Boardgames
- IALLM Books
- Buck-a-Fig
DVG "Dan Verssen Games"
DIRECTIONS TO Borderwars 2011
the Best Western Inn & Conference Center in Kansas City,
Kansas, Located at the corner of Rainbow Boulevard and Southwest Boulevard.If you come in on I-70, take I-35 South. Once on I-35 South, follow
these directions:
Go south at Exit 234-Rainbow Boulevard/US-169 and continue south
until you come to the stop light at Southwest Boulevard. Proceed south about
a block to Applebee's on your right (west side of street). Turn into Applebee's
parking lot. The convention center is on the other side of Applebee's.
Call ahead for reservations: 1.800.368.1741.
Click here
to book online
- 1-Day Pass - $15.00
- Weekend Pass - $25.00
- 1-Day Pass - $10.00
- Weekend Pass - $20.00
Send check or money order payable
to HAHMGS to:
PO Box 216
White City, KS 66872